How I Do Computing

I was inspired by Richard Stallman's article on how he does computing to write this. I'm not nearly as committed to my principles on computing as Stallman is, but I have my own opinions and prejudices when it comes to my own personal computing.

As of writing this (7/2020), I use a Toshiba Dynabook laptop. I dual boot Ubuntu LTS, and Windows 10. Up until a couple years ago, I used solely Windows. I use my Linux box most of the time, unless I absolutely need to use Windows (to play games, use windows only software, etc). Since switching to Linux, I practically live in the terminal. Unless I'm doing something where a GUI is absolutely necessary (such as 3d modelling, and most web-browsing), I use the shell for everything. The terminal gives the user a level of control over his computer that GUI simply cannot. Particularly for programmers, nearly all tasks can be performed in the terminal. For my own programming projects, I edit in vim, compile with gcc/g++, and use my own makefiles. Since switching to this shell-based software, I haven't experienced any crashes, bugs, or lagging.

I've always been concerned about my own digital privacy, but I've become much more concerned in recent years. As tech companies improve their surveillance technology, I continue to make greater efforts to take control of my own computing. Switching to Linux was one of the best improvements I've made. The Linux OS is free software (free as in freedom, not gratis). This means that the source code is open, so the user can study, change, and redistribute the program. I am big proponent of free software; I distribute most of my own software as free software.

As I said, I currently use the Ubuntu distro of Linux. While Ubuntu is a good distribution, it is pretty bloated. Aside from privacy, using so-called "suckless" software (well-made, few bugs, light-weight) that serves a specific purpose has become imperative to me. I plan on building my own computer soon, and when I do I will switch to the Debian distribution of Linux. Ubuntu is based on Debian, but Debian is far less bloated, more secure, and contains much less non-free software. When I decide whether or not to use a piece of software, I base my decision on the Unix Philosophy in as many cases as I can. The Unix Philosophy states that software should be as minimalist, and modular as possible. Every piece of software should do one thing really well and not attempt to to be a jack-of-all-trades and do "everything". This is antithetical to philosophy of Microsoft, and most other developers of proprietary software (see Microsoft Visual Studio as an example). I've found that following the Unix Philosophy in my personal computing has greatly reduced stress when using a computer, and improved my productivity.

My computing history

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