If you didn't already gather, I love video games. Playing and developing them takes up much of my time.
I've been a gamer for about 21 years now (as of 2020). My first game was Pokemon Yellow for the Game Boy Color. Here are my favorite games.
I've been a computer nerd for quite a long time. The first computer I ever used was a Windows 95. I really started getting interested in them when my family bought the Windows XP. I spent hours just tinkering with the software. My first computer was a hand-me-down Windows ME. It only had 64MB of memory, and 2GB of storage! No internet, no games (except Minesweeper), just classic Windows goodness.
Command lines used to scare me, and I avoided learning how to use one, but after taking the plunge, It has become my prefered method of computing.
How I do Computing.Programming is my job now, but it has been a hobby of mine since I was 12. My first foray into the world of ones and zeros was through software called Macromedia Flash 2004, using a language called ActionScript. (Flash used to be a big deal - and there was a time when it wasn't owned by Adobe...)
My favorite language is C, but these days most of my coding is done in C++. I've studied a bit of assembly, but not enough to use it proficiently. Assembly is the next language I plan to study seriously.
Here is a breakdown of notable software that I use.
Most of my life, I've used primarily proprietary software made for the Windows OS. Slowly, I've been making the switch to Linux, and try to use free (as in freedom) software as much as possible.
I guess coffee isn't so much of an "interest" of mine, so much as its just something I love to drink. Green Mountain is my absolute favorite brand.
I like to read (though don't do it as much as I probably should). For fiction, I read a lot of fantasy/sci-fi. I also like to read about history, and technology.
Here are some of my favorite books.
Starting with Flash games in the early 2000s, I've been into game dev for a long time. These days, I create computer games with OpenGL and C++.
Yes, I like Japanese anime. Maybe not too much of a stretch for a guy who moved to Japan to make games?
Here's a list of anime that I've enjoyed.